Saturday, January 26, 2019

Getting Started - Team Fixtures

Before you can create a fixture you need to create a team which is associated with a club.
See the beginning of Getting Started - Creating Tournament for guidance creating a Club.
Edit the Club and click "Add Team" and set the team name. The other attribute you should set for the Club is the Location. The location should be a url for example a Google Maps reference e.g. "". The location will be used in the generated emails.

Now if you navigate to Fixtures, you can click "New Fixture". Now enter the details and Save.

The Fixtures list can be filtered to display Future or Pasts Fixtures.

Each fixture row has 3 icon buttons on the right. From left to right they are Availability, Organisation and Edit.


This screen lists all of the active team players. Clicking the "Availability Email" button will send an email to all current team players. The email includes a Yes/No button for the player to confirm their availability.
When the player confirms their availability, their status in the Availability screen will be updated. This status can also be manually updated.


When the time comes to confirm the team, you do this in the Organisation screen.
This screen lists each of the players who have confirmed that they are available.
You can then select each player to be selected for the fixture. Once each team player has been selected click "Confirm Team" and an email will be sent to all active team players to confirm the selected team.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Getting Started - Players

In the first of the getting started series, we will walk through the players screen and the process of adding players.

First you need to add a player by clicking the "New Player" button.

Forename, Surname, Email and County are all required fields. Active flag will be defaulted to true. Order Of Merit is an optional field that is used for players who are eligible for fixtures, but not required for players only involved in tournaments and leagues.
Paid for subscriptions (not the Basic/Trial subscription) include a player search facility:

As you type the name in the search box, a list of suggested players within the Squash Levels system will be presented. The item in the list includes the player name, club, county, country and current Squash Level. When you select a player, information is populated in the player fields leaving only the player email address to be completed.

Once you have created players you see the populated grid:

  • Order of Merit (if the player is a Team player)
  • Name
  • Email Address
  • Team - will display a player icon if a designated team player and a cross if not. To change this value click the icon to toggle the value
  • Active - will display a tick if an active player and a cross if not. To change this value click the icon to toggle the value
  • Edit icon - click this to edit the full player record
You can search for specific players or you can use the defined filters (defaults to active players only).

Friday, January 11, 2019

Welcome to Sport Manager

Sport Manager is live!

We have been working on Sport Manager for a while now and whilst we have a lot planned, we felt it was time that others could start to use it.

What is Sport Manager?

Sport Manager is a cloud hosted software solution to make the management of teams, leagues and tournaments easy. In this initial release, Squash has been the focus. However, other sports will be catered for in the future.

Getting Started

To get started, looked at the features included here, and then sign up for your free account here.

In a series of blogs to follow, we'll guide you through implementing and using the software to facilitate the management of teams, run tournaments and organise leagues.